
Los Angeles Men

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Los Angeles

36 - 70 of 100
71 Los Angeles, California, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 47
Hi Love, Blessed be! I am on a fantastic journey through existence. I am a very happy person, I have always been. I have had a very nice life with everything I ever needed. I have traveled the world and still do. I am very spiritual but in a logical and scientific way. Everything has an explanation. I do not understand hate. Love is the gravitational power that keeps everything together not to mention it is the power source of creation itself. So every living thing in our part of creation was created in pairs. Two of everything. Male - female, plus - minus and so on. The pairs belong together. Every pair got a location assigned in eternity their home and paradise. From there we took the trip out in eternity to see and choose among the possibilities in creation available to us to create our perfect paradise. You and I lost each other somewhere on our journey through eternity, somewhere in time in some distant incarnation. So in any and every incarnation we have the chance to find our other vibrational half. When the vibrations sync; harmony is radiated and the universe restores some of its lost balance. Everything vibrates, has a sound unique to its presentation in eternity. We know this and call it “Harmonics”. It expresses itself in all the densities and all the dimensions. So, if your sound and my sound generate love, happiness and harmony, all the positive energies, then we have a long way to go together through eternity. Having collected enough information and understanding we will return to our location in eternity; now having the background to create our paradise the way we find it perfect for us and the soul family we will bring into existence in total love and harmony with our creator. I’m very much into spiritualism, not religion; as you need to know them all to be truly spiritual. Every religion has keys that hold knowledge and information that are important for your development into a divine being. I am also very much into quantum physics. When you get deep down to this understanding of creation it confirms and becomes very spiritual. We are made of these quantum building blocks that for some reason decided to unite and become you and I. We need to understand the meaning of this unity and that we are all of the same material expressing itself in all its wonders and beautiful divine varieties and thereby confirm the oneness on our level. As they created us we have the same power to create. So when we create something bad, it is our creation and it belong to us and it will at some point return to its rightful owner amplified because everything in existence grows. We know it as karma, it simply teaches us what the receiver experienced, either it was good or bad we let out into the ether. I love music, modern music the sounds of the future. It relaxes me and makes me happy. I like a good joke and to put a smile on peoples lips and make them happy and enjoying life, if just for a moment. I like swimming and ping pong.
