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Masters Degree

1 - 35 of 100
50 Tōkyō, Tokyo, Japan
Seeking: Female 27 - 40
Education: Masters Degree
日本を心から愛しています! !令和万歳! バックグラウンド: 初めて来日した場所は岡山県(老人ホームでバイト・田植えもしました) 5年間日本のお寺に住み込み経験有り 30年前から現在至るまで武術・格闘技(ムエタイ)の練習しています 早大大学院を卒業 14年前に会社を設立 内容は大手製薬会社・大手生命保険会社にIT・クラウド系PMのコンサルティングを提供 出版本は一冊あります(日本語で書きました)(最近子供の本も書いています) もう一つの事業を持ち:教育用のボードゲーム制作しています 男は紳士である事を目指すべく日々に努力しないと行けないと思います。 試練と修行で男は輝くと確信しています。 心技体・文武両道が私の人生計画そのままです。 読書・研究・物作りなどはもちろんの事、ムエタイの練習とジムで体を鍛えています。 伝統流沖縄剛柔流空手道の初段者です。 猫が大好きで二匹と暮らしています。 ベンガルとアビシニアン アピールポイントは: 強い責任感 嘘を言わない事 負けない精神 家庭的 絶対に不倫しない事 午後5時ぐらいに必ず帰る・残業ゼロ生活 掃除が上手 健康的・清潔感・歯クーリング毎月してもらっています お酒は飲まない・タバコを吸わない・夜遊びはしない事 よく笑える・ジョークが大好き しっかり仕事を休む事 ヘルシーな男料理を作れる事 常に自己開発する事 追記:私の祖先はシチリア島人です(綺麗な家紋も有り)。 サルデーニャ島地域遺伝子を持っている為体内年齢が若く、 バイタリティー豊かです。病気はしないです。8年以上風邪・花粉症・熱などはないです。 Myers-Briggs Type: INFJ 動物占い:赤猿 十二支:丑
65 Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan
Seeking: Female 40 - 57
Education: Masters Degree
I am a Canadian and have lived in Japan for many years and came here sponsored by the Japanese Government on a Ministry of Education Scholarship ( Monbukagakusho: MEXT Scholarship). I studied ceramic histories of China, Japan and Korean at a museum in Tokyo. Not only the histories of ceramics but also daily life in those ancient times. After 3 years I had the opportunity to study ceramic histories on a scholarship at the Ashmolean Museum (Oxford) but instead set my sights to try and enter Gei Dai - Tokyo Music of Arts and Music which is the top art university here. I requested an application and the staff just laughed and said I would never get in and so refused my application request. Finally I managed to get one and was told you will never get in. I managed to pass the Masters Test in the ceramics course and was allowed to enter. I therefore became the first foreigner to be allowed to be accepted in this department. I was exclusively under the top professor who became the dean of the university and a Living Nation Treasure. Upon graduation I was instructed by my professor to stay in Japan. I set up my own studio and had shows at department stores and in addition worked with a famous artist called Ikeda Masuo. We were good friends and I always teased him that I could get into Gei Dai and he couldn't. Japan is my home and always will be as I value it's long culture. Life as a foreigner here is not hard as the local people know that I passed the same exams that the Japanese have to. Infact they are amazed but one can not should not take one so serious. Finally I do not have to conform to the society as much as most Japanese for one I am a foreigner and my background and the universities I attend here attests to my standing in Japanese Society.

