
Pennsylvania Men Interested in a Serious Relationship

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72 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Seeking: Female 46 - 60
"There are lovers content with longing. I’m not one of them." -Rumi I am seeking a serious relationship with a deeply real and genuine person. How many countries you have traveled to does not matter because it is how far you have traveled inside that matters most. After 35 years of owning a successful business in the music industry focusing around the guitar rarely working less than 60 hours a week in classical, jazz, composing, performance, film, stage, concert production, teaching college and high school students, I continue creating music in the Philly area performing with "The Big Push" a very fine big band, as well as jazz and Latin groups, classical guitar, and opera. I've been enjoying a less-pressured schedule since phasing out my business, selling my home and rental properties and moving back to Philadelphia in 2013 after three decades in Vermont. To say it has changed is more than an understatement. And though enjoying city life again, I am about to buy a house in Maine. I have no children, nor do I have family here anymore. So I'll rent it and in two years reassess unless I meet a loving reason to stay here. :) I'm glad I've had enough success so I have options, and deeply thankful that I can even have them. To be so near to rivers, mountains and lakes, an easy drive to the beach, whale watching, boating, fishing, hiking, 70 islands off the coast of the lovely city of Portland, and owning a beautiful home...sounds inviting. :) Also, it has been a personal goal to live financially "off-the-grid." I was able to end too many years of monthlies six years ago and never want to look back. I am grateful for my life and have seen a lot of how much people don't have in our world, where oppression is a given and the freedom we take for granted is little more than a dream. Having close friends in many places in the world is a nice advantage. My longest excursion was to West Bengal living six months in Kolkata. Nepal and Indonesia are two countries I am drawn to and will return to both. Japan is next. And I am wanting to see a lot more of our own country. I read on many subjects, carrying three books with me at any moment and spend quite a bit of time researching to keep learning. I admit I have become a kind of junkie for the written word and haven't owned a television for 25 years. I am drawn to the critical thinking of the European Enlightenment, thinkers such as Bacon, Descartes, Locke, and Spinoza who set the philosophical stage for what evolved into the USA inspiring Jefferson and Madison to pen the Articles of Confederation and Bill of Rights respectively. I am not a post-modern man nor a Socialist. Also, I like being male and do not exist in some Peter Pan infantility. Do you believe in gender fluidity, toxic masculinity, intersectionality, political correctness? I'm not your man. Weight training Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, some yoga to stretch out on Tuesdays and Thursdays, walking five miles four days a week, the joy of scull rowing on the Schuylkill River, and a healthy diet keeps me "in my body" and relatively sane. I was a trained Junior Olympian swimmer in my youth, so I love water anytime. And my location in the old East Callowhill manufacturing (Loft) district allows walking or biking everywhere and avoid driving except when necessary. The light in this old factory with its massive wall of windows and large industrial skylight and 16ft. ceilings is incredible. Plantlife of all kinds flourishes in it, as I do. My walls and living space are alive with art of all kinds from many different cultures. Bookshelves are all around and my musical instruments and work needs are close at hand. I was married for ten years a long long time ago. Divorced in 1985, I never remarried. Relationships? Of course. I mean I do still have a very active pulse. :) But I have been single for quite a few years and take care of myself well. Staying unmarried wasn't a conscious decision. You're going along living your life and look back and realize just how short our time here is. But life can change if we let it. And we do have the ability to make decisions if we're aware and open to it. So when I sense it's time to turn the page, I go with it open-eyed about what may come next in the story. Who knows...If we're lucky, we may just meet each other in the next chapter. *And please, no cell phone addicts or "wokeness."
市原 源十郎良月
50 Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 42
I'll be in Japan on December, 2023 until January 2024, visiting my family in Nagoya. I'll also be in Tokyo and other part of Japan. I am hoping to find someone to have a meaningful LTR, based on mutual respect, trust, devotion, and love for each other. If we can both be ourselves and enjoy each other's company, that would be really great. My ideal partner would be someone who is as faithful and honest as I am. I also appreciate someone who can have good conversations about different things, whether it's about hobbies, our feelings, or current events. It would be even better if we can share a lot of fun time together like traveling and other activities. Please be willing to invest some time to get to know each other, as I am more than willing to do the same. I am very faithful and loyal to friends and anyone close to me. I pride myself on being a reliable person, and also try to be dependable whenever I am needed. I also care greatly in term of my well-being. I do a lot of cooking because it's generally better for my health, and also because things I make generally taste better than restaurant food. (in my opinion, of course!) I came from Japan to the States when I was in my teen and have been in the States ever since. I am still here as a green card holder. I try to take good of both Japanese and American culture as I live my life. All my pictures are recent. アメリカ生活歴33年。生まれは日本ですが、考えはアメリカ的な部分も大きく、愛情表現なんかはアメリカ的です。 信頼に基づく、特別な関係を築く事の出来る方を探しています。お互いを何時までも想い合い、何時までも恋人の様な感覚を忘れない様な関係を維持し続けるのが理想です。 自分の利点は正直な所…ですが、これは相手探しには必ずしもプラスではないらしく、自分の利点も欠点も正直に言う傾向にあります。セールス系では働けない人です。(笑) まぁ、自分の全部を見て受け入れて欲しいという願いの形でもあるかもしれないです。こちらも、同じ様に受け止めてあげたいなって思います。 色々な事を言葉や行動を通してお互いに伝える事、コミュニケーションは大切だと思っています。お互いが相手を想っている事、好きな事を示したり伝えたり出来る事の出来る関係が理想です。そういう所から、長く愛情のある関係を維持出来るのだと思っています。 ニューヨークから西に車で二時間、フィラデルフィアから北へ一時間ほどの街の郊外で、猫達と自分、合計三匹で暮らしています。 大体、一年に一度ぐらいの割合で実家のある名古屋に帰省しています。 性格としては、一途でマメ。信用、前に書いた通り信頼は一番大切だと思うので、交わした約束は守る努力をする事をモットーにしています。ツンデレな所があるのか、第一印象と実際とはギャップがあるみたいです。甘えたり甘えられたりが好き…と言う所とか、想像出来ないみたいですね。 (笑) プロフだけでは、お互いを知るのに限度があると思いますので、お話する機会があれば最高です。先ずはメールで。それで話が合う様ならば、スカイプ等を通してお話出来ればと思います。更に上手く行く様ならば、一時帰国の際にでもお会い出来れば良いですね。 尚、人間色々な人がいるので、場合に寄っては僕の事を良く思わない方もいると思います。それでも、少なくても自分に嘘偽りのない様に行動する様にしています。その上で好かれないのは、仕方ない事だと思っています。本当の僕を知った上で色々と判断して頂ければ、光栄と思います。

